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Konferensi Eksportir Slovenia

SoftNET dengan bangga mendapat suatu kehormatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam Konferensi Eksportir Slovenia, yang berlangsung pada tanggal 20 September 2023 di Brdo pri Kranju. Acara ini diselenggarakan oleh media online Slovenia terbesar untuk komunitas bisnis: Finance, bekerja sama dengan

Konferensi eksportir Slovenia telah menjadi tempat pertemuan dan pertukaran pengalaman bagi para wirausahawan terkemuka yang beroperasi di pasar internasional. Konferensi tahun ini diisi dengan topik luar biasa yang membahas tren dan tantangan terbaru di sektor ekspor.

Tim Softnet d.o.o. berkesempatan untuk mengikuti berbagai diskusi, lokakarya, dan panel menarik yang mencakup bidang-bidang utama terkait ekspor. Team SoftNET belajar tentang strategi baru yang akan membantu SoftNET lebih meningkatkan kontribusi di pasar internasional, dan membuat jaringan penting dengan peserta konferensi lainnya.

SoftNET sangat bangga dapat memiliki kesempatan untuk mempresentasikan layanan, bertukar pengalaman, ide, dan mendapatkan wawasan tentang praktik terbaik yang akan membantu SoftNET dalam pengembangan dan pertumbuhan bisnis ke tahap selanjutnya.

Terima kasih kepada penyelenggara Konferensi Eksportir Slovenia atas pelaksanaan acara yang luar biasa dan kepada semua peserta atas semua paparan dan pertukaran pengetahuan yang menginspirasi.

SoftNET, bersama seluruh stakeholders, senantiasa akan selalu membangun masa depan yang lebih baik.

Photo: Jure Makovec



SoftNET Menjadi Sponsor Silver di Adriatic Security Summit yang Prestisius

Dengan senang hati, SoftNET telah mengumumkan menjadi Sponsor Perak di Adriatic Security Summit 2023.

Kemitraan ini merupakan wujud komitmen SoftNET yang berkelanjutan untuk mendorong kolaborasi, edukasi, dan inovasi di bidang keamanan siber. Adriatic Security Summit, yang dikenal karena mempertemukan orang-orang terbaik di bidang keamanan siber, adalah sebuah kesempatan bernilai untuk berbagi wawasan, mendemonstrasikan solusi keamanan terbaik, dan membangun hubungan profesional yang kuat.

Dengan menjalin kemitraan dalam Adriatic Security Summit, SoftNET berkolaborasi dengan banyak perusahaan terkemuka, pembuat kebijakan, inovator teknologi, dan pakar industri, yang semuanya bekerja sama menuju dunia digital yang lebih aman. Tujuan bersama kami adalah untuk meningkatkan keamanan digital di dunia yang semakin terhubung.

Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat!

The traditional gathering of the SoftNET 2022 team

SoftNET once again brought its European employees together for a traditional in-person meeting this December. Despite the constant digital connection we all share, it was so valuable for us to see each other in person. The weekend was filled with laughter, delicious food, and the opportunity to make new connections, as several new team members joined us this year.

We started our journey at the Trzin office, before heading to Dober Krožnik in Mengeš and then spending the evening in the center of Ljubljana. The following day, we organized a hike from Planica to Tamar, exploring the beauty of Kranjska Gora along the way. We ended the day with a fun round of bowling at the Woop Arena. It was an unforgettable experience for all of us.

SoftNET's business breakfast 2022

The business breakfast organized by SoftNET is an annual professional event of modern information technologies and examples of good practice.

Lately in the business world we have been navigating through various emergencies. Constantly accessible telecommunication network is becoming a key component for the smooth operation of each company.

A reliable telecommunications system has thus become a fundamental condition for a stable business environment, which is why we talked about current topics at this year's business breakfast. They were introduced by SoftNET director Andrej Boštjančič and specialists in various technical fields Uroš Demšar, Stanko Gjuran and a representative of the Asian market Kevin Richard.

We talked

- of the challenges in providing connections to remote locations both in Slovenia and abroad during emergencies

- integration of telephony in the company / work from home

- what savings and additional reliability VoWifi and VoLTE bring to us in mobile telephony


The concluding part of the event was rounded off by Andrej Boštjančič, Jernej Tomec, Chief Information Officer and Marko Božnik, Regional Chief Information Officer at Scania Ear at a round table with the topic - How telecommunications solve business in emergencies.


Here is a short recap of the event, which took place in April 2022 in the conference hall of the Hotel Mons, Slovenia.

(Photo: Timjan Ješelnik)

Our new Vietnam office

We are very proud to be able to share our NEW office in Vietnam with you. Our team in Vietnam is constantly expanding, so we decided to relocate to a new location in Ho Chi Minh City. The new premises are approaching reputable business districts, where we also meet other global companies. The new business space will help us support our growth and ambitions in Vietnam.

We are also planning to renovate our Slovenian offices in Trzin in the near future. We can’t wait to share it with you.

Vietnam ITO Conference 2019

We attended Vietnam ITO Conference 2019. The event was organized in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) on October 23-25 2019 with the main theme “Vietnam – The Emerged Destination for Innovation”.

Being a fast-growing economy with population in "golden age", especially having a rich pool of talents in IT/software industry, Vietnam has been becoming Asia’s new technology hub. In the recent 5 years, Vietnam has been recognized as the Asia-Tier 1 delivery destination in the world’s tech map.

We already attended the Vietnam ITO Conference in 2017. And this year we think the potential of the conference was even bigger. Representatives from the world’s leading IT corporations were sharing advanced technology trends.

As we are a telecommunication company with operations on 3 continents: Europe, Asia and Africa, we think it's important to be a part of this conference.

SoftNET is also an IP telephony operator in Macedonia

We are pleased to announce that we have also become a fixed telephony operator in Macedonia. This helps all the companies operating in several countries, as the support can be managed in one place.

By having all the support in one place, the company doesn't need to deal with individual operators in countries where they have offices. All they need is a single operator. Each party or company has a trustee assigned to them, no matter in which country or office it appears.

SoftNET joined the fastest-growing Internet Exchange in New York

At Softnet, we joined the US Internet Connection Center DE-CIX New York, which is the fastest-growing Internet Exchange in the New York metro area and has managed to grow to the leading Internet Exchange in this area within three years. DE-CIX New York is Open-IX certified and carrier and data center-neutral. It operates more access points than any other Internet Exchange in North America. SoftNET is now present on the most important Internet Exchange Points on three continents.

Softnet became member of APNIC

APNIC is Asian internet registry which co-ordinates IP address space and other network resources. Membership enables us to obtain access to ASian network resources and ability to provide services in Asia Pacific region. For more information about Apnic information center, you can read here.

Softnet became member of HKIX (Hong Kong Internet exchange)

As part of global expansion Softnet became member of HKIX (Hong Kong Internet exchange). This allows Softnet's users improved performance and latency to Asian networks as well as vice versa. HKIX is de facto the most important internet exchange and Hong is the most important telecommunication hub in Asia therefore this achievement is important step.

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